Jon Dicus

Studio work for DES682, Pratt Institute

a few links

while working on my site for project one, i found several links to be useful to help me get going…

CSS Skills
CSS Frameworks
CSS Examples


my goals for the class

my coding experience

i honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when i signed up for this class. my hope was to explore more deeply what interactive design means and how we as designers could contribute our skills to it. so i’m excited that we’ll be getting to do that as well as actually learn the coding language to apply it ourselves.

my background in code is pretty limited. i have plenty of experience with content management systems and writing very basic html code, but like anything, if you don’t keep working at it, you can lose the skill. and i am pretty out of practice. i never really explored css, though. i’ve always wanted to learn, but in my previous jobs i really never needed to know it. i’m actually kinda nervous about learning coding. i’m not very analytical and it is sometimes hard for me to understand things like this. but i want to know it so i’m looking forward to diving in.

what i can bring to the class

i love technology and i am always inspired to see people push their creativity to make something new and useful. my background is in music and music business, and since that is an ever-changing industry, there’s a need to constantly be pushing and looking for new ideas in order to survive. so i’m always trying to think of new ways to look at or do something, especially in the world of music. this summer i worked at a design studio called brooklyn united and was able to get some first-hand experience in designing and developing websites. i learned a lot about the process and the need for a strong, cohesive team in order to create the best work possible.

my goals for the semester

  • to learn as much as i can about the technology behind it all
  • to become more confident in my ability to use technology and to articulate it in my work
  • to expand my skill set as a designer
  • to learn how to finally build a site that works from scratch
  • to create the best work possible for the class